Q: What is MIST?
A: The Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament (MIST) is a fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops geared towards bringing high school students together from around the GTHA to develop leadership, communication, and other creative skills, all while gaining a deeper understanding of Islam and Muslims.
Q: Will MIST 2023 be held virtually or in-person?
A: The MIST Dream Team is currently planning for a fully in-person tournament. However, with safety being a major MIST priority, the Dream Team will continue to closely follow public health guidelines and act accordingly in order to ensure the health and safety of all attendees. In the event of a major tournament delivery change, please visit the MIST website or official social media accounts for the most up to date information.
Q: Are all attendees required to be fully vaccinated?
A: As vaccine mandates have been federally lifted, MIST attendees will not be required to have full COVID-19 vaccination.
Q: Where will the tournament be held this year?
A: The MIST 2023 tournament weekend will be held at the University of Toronto - St. George Campus! For more venue details, please check out our venue page!
Q: When will the Tournament be held?
A: The official MIST tournament weekend will run from Saturday March 11th to Sunday March 12th and the awards ceremony will be on the evening of Monday March 13th inshaAllah! Stay tuned for sports and esport dates! For more details on date and venues, click here!
Q: What are the competitions for this year?
A: A list of all MIST competitions can be found in the rulebook!
Q: How do I sign up for MIST?
A: To sign up for a MIST, each school requires 1-2 ambassadors who will liaise with the MIST Dream Team for updates and guide the rest of the school’s team through the registration process. If you would like to sign up to be your school’s ambassador, please fill out the Ambassador Form. If you are unsure whether your school already has an ambassador, please email us at registration@misttoronto.com or check our ambassador list at the bottom of this page. A step by step registration “How-To” is outlined here.
Q: Is there a fee to participate in MIST?
A: The fee for participating in MIST 2023 is $50 per student! If you would like to apply for financial aid, please keep an eye out for the application form!
Q: What is the role of a school ambassador?
A: MIST Ambassadors act as the primary contact between MIST and your school. They are natural leaders who can inspire and motivate students for MIST, and organize them in preparation for the tournament. A school can have up to two ambassadors (to help distribute the workload for large schools). If a school does have 2 ambassadors, it is highly recommended that there is one male and one female. As the Ambassador, you are responsible for MISTifying your team!
Ambassador roles include, but are not limited to:
Communicating with MIST registration executives
Addressing any questions that your team members may have with regards to MIST.
Ensuring all team members are registered on MyMIST
Running tryouts if applicable (ensuring that the team meets competition requirements)
More details on the Ambassador role can be found here!
Q: What is a coach’s role?
A: As a coach, there are a few things that you are responsible for:
Ensure that all students from the highschool arrive on time for all of their competitions (including sports day and tournament weekend), be present and supervise students at all times
Monitor students, make sure they are following MIST Rules and Regulations, set meeting points and ensure the students are in their respective competitions or workshops on time
In case of questions, concerns, or complaints (i.e. anything regarding fairness of rules, team placement etc.) ensure that your students are addressing you directly first. In the event that a MIST organizer’s assistance is required, please accompany any students when approaching MIST Organizers (we’ll have badges with red lanyards).
All coaches MUST attend the mandatory coaches orientation during the MIST weekend after registration on Saturday at 9am (room TBD). Coaches are expected to come on time, and stay there the entire time.
You must serve as the emergency point of contact, e.g. if the student needs to be reached by his/her parent or guardian. Please make sure that parent/guardian AND students have your contact information.
More details on the coach role can be found here!
Q: How many coaches are required per school?
A: For every 12 students, 1 coach is required. For example, if your school has 39 competitors, 4 coaches are required.
Q: How do coaches sign up?
A: Coaches can sign up through the same MyMIST tournament as students and select their designated role as “Coach”. All coaches must be 21 years of age or older.
Q: Will the Dream Team be providing in person school visits?
A: The Dream Team will be providing both virtual and in-person school visits this year, depending on the school board public health guidelines and school preferences. If you are interested in having a school visit, please reach out to outreach@misttoronto.com.
Q: Will guests be allowed to attend MIST this year?
A: The Dream Team is closely following public health guidelines to ensure a safe experience for all MIST attendees. MIST will comply with capacity restrictions as identified by the hosting institute. If capacity permits, guests will be allowed to attend. Visit the website at a later date for more updated information.
Q: As an ambassador, how can I build/recruit a MIST team?
A: There are many ways to build a strong MIST team! We strongly recommend that you start your own MIST social media for your school and participate in the spirit competitions in order to build the hype! In addition, we encourage all teams to introduce MIST to school MSAs, share videos of past MIST experiences, and of course, through word of mouth!
Q. Can I compete in sports and a competition and if so, how many competitions can I compete in?
A: To partake in a sport, you must also register and compete in one of the competitions from the other categories in our rulebook or addendum. There is no limit to how many competitions you can do, however, you can only do one competition from each category.
There is an exception for sports where you can sign up with multiple sport competitions this year.
If your question has not been answered, please email:
contact@misttoronto.com for general MIST inquiries
registration@misttoronto.com for registration related questions
competitions@misttoronto.com for competition specific questions